Nancy Sayers

Please Note: All Artisan pieces are unique so the items may differ slightly from the photos.
Lady Druscilla Driftwood by Nancy Sayers (Approx 100x60mm)

not known for having much on her mind, beyond her new hat

Each character comes with a brief history of who they are.


Sylvania and Chick by Nancy Sayers (Approx 95x80mmx60T)

Designed for a really posh garden, with silver swans, and semi precious stones surrounding the pond

Each character comes with a brief history of who they are.


Beverley Boulder by Nancy Sayers (Approx 90x70mm)

slowly sinking into her surroundings, under the weight of her hat, and assorted glittery stuff

Each character comes with a brief history of who they are.


Gwenifere Greenmount by Nancy Sayers (Approx 65 x 100 x 25mm)  Gwenifere Greenmount feels very underdressed. her short stump is too plain to even have...

Miafarway Greenmount by Nancy Sayers (Approx 135 x 75 x 30mm)  Miafaraway Greenmount rather fancies shorty stumper but does wish he would stop wearing...

Young Gilly Greengrass by Nancy Sayers (Approx 110 x 80 x 60mm)  Young Gilly Greengrass isn't too sure about that tree looking over her, is he being...

Jervase Greengrass by Nancy Sayers (Approx 125 x 60 x 50mm) Jervaise Greengrass is a bit cross, Cynthia the yellow flowering social climber is all over...